Suitable for professionals who have their own business or are part of the senior management team of a company and would like to now start a new business in the UK
. The Innovator category is for more experienced businesspeople seeking to establish a business in the UK.
. Applicants will need a minimum £50,000 funding available to invest in their business.
. Successful Innovators are granted leave for 3 years at a time and can also bring their family members (spouses/partners and children under 18) to the UK.
. Innovators must work entirely on developing their business ventures and may not take on other employment outside their business. This includes anything which effectively amounts to employment, such as using their own business to hire out their labour to another employer.
. After 3 years, Innovators can apply to extend their stay for a further 3 years or to settle permanently in the UK. Each of these 3 stages (initial application, extension, settlement) requires endorsement from an endorsing body.
- The Start-up category is for early-stage but high potential entrepreneurs starting a business in the UK for the first time.
- Applicants do not need any funds to invest in their business at this stage, and must not have previously set up a business in the UK.
- Successful applicants are granted leave for 2 years and can also bring their family members (spouses/partners and children under 18) to the UK.
- During the granted period of leave applicants will spend the majority of their time developing their businesses but can also take on other work outside of their businesses, to support themselves.
- The UK Expansion Worker Visa program is a UK business visa for people who own or are employed outside the UK by a company whose headquarter and principal place of business is outside UK including the Middle East and Asia.A UK Expansion Worker visa permits you to come to the UK and open a branch office of an overseas business that has not started trading in the UK yet.You must already for work for the overseas business as either a Senior Manager, Managing Director, General Manager, Owner, Partner or Shareholder.
Devisers Immigration has an established reputation in securing UK business immigration for our clients.